Güncelleme Tarihi: 21 June 2022
Visitors: 426
2022 last business visit of Laborant Veterinary Health students: Bilcanlı Feed, Dairy and Fattening Farm
Bilcanlı feed, milk and fattening farm, which is an important dairy business in Balıkesir, was visited within the scope of Special Animal Technology. In the disease-free and EU-approved dairy farm, feed warehouses, calf sections, barns, and milking department were visited, and the farm's Veterinarians Farm responsible manager Sinan TOKSAVUL, Vet. Hec. Erdem DOĞAN, Vet. Hec. Detailed information was given in company with Önder Özcan and Veterinary Health Technician Seçkin Hero. We would like to thank the business owners and all the staff in the person of Sinan TOKSAVUL for their contributions during the very productive visit.